Top 10 Coaches 2023: Apple News in Grit Daily and LA Weekly
4,41,000+ Followers on Instagram: TrainedByYVS
Co-Founder and Teacher of Nutrition and Health at Excel Nutrition Uni
Founder and Business Coach at Fitness Business Accelerator.in (250+ Online Fitness Businesses Scaled)
Founder of Life Changing Shred60: Challenge (1500+ Lives Transformed)
Top 10 Entrepreneurs 2022: India Today
Hi, I’m Yash Vardhan Swami. After transforming over 4000 lives and helping more than 250 online fitness businesses reach six-figure and multiple six-figure months, I’m here to guide you in starting and growing your own business.
I’ve created the Fitness Business Scaling Workshop, a dynamic resource designed specifically for fitness enthusiasts eager to build and monetize their online fitness businesses. This workshop includes over 141 expertly designed templates that provide everything you need to create a successful online presence and start making serious money.
By joining the Fitness Business Scaling Workshop, you’ll get instant access to the same proven strategies and templates that have driven my clients and me to remarkable success.
Step into the world of successful online fitness entrepreneurs. Let the Fitness Business Scaling Workshop be your pathway to financial success and making a significant impact in the fitness industry.